What I'm Reading | July 2014

July has come and gone, and that means I've started eating my weight in tomatoes. Hooray! I spent a week in Minneapolis and St. Paul (more on my adventures coming soon, I hope), my puppy turned three (I guess she's technically an adult now), and we celebrated Independence Day on a friend's rooftop overlooking the harbor in Marina del Rey. Also, I'm still getting used to the fact that this view of the vast ocean, after a 10 minute walk, is my backyard.

Here are a few good reads from around the web. 

Julia Child's discarded titles.

Excited to watch how this good food funding platform grows.

I might get an iPad just to use this

The ultimate veggie burger.

The importance of eating together.

Tips to master mobile photography.

The truth behind staged Instagram photos

Becoming an essentialist. Amen. 

Also, 7 reasons we should stop praising excess.

What writers can learn from Goodnight Moon.

Hoping to bake these this weekend. (And finish reading Delancey, too.)

A history of palm trees in Los Angeles.

I made this pie with plums instead of peaches, and it was heavenly.